miércoles, 24 de julio de 2013

(24-07-2013) Kobo Writing Life makes it easy for authors to publish their eBooks in just five steps TechSc1ence

Kobo Writing Life makes it easy for authors to publish their eBooks in just five steps Jul 23rd 2013, 14:54

By Rik Henderson | Pocket-lint – 

Kobo, one of the major rivals to Amazon in the eBook market, has simplified the process of self-publishing so that authors can make their digital books available in just five steps.

It has launched Kobo Writing Life, a website service that you can use to get your eBook carried in the Kobo store. The online WYSIWYG editor allows you to upload your manuscript, add a book cover, edit the automatically formatted text, choose a price and publish. The steps are easy to follow and should take no more than a few minutes if the text file doesn't require much editing. The final books will be published from 24 to 72 hours later.

On Kobo's self-publishing platform, authors earn 70 per cent on books priced between $1.99 and $12.99, you can also set the price of your book to free with no penalty or hidden costs. For any books that cost more or less than the accepted price range, authors will earn 45 per cent of each sale.

All published content appears in the EPUB format. Word, Open Office and Mobi file types are accepted.

"We built Kobo Writing Life by listening to what authors need and want in a self-publishing tool, and we continue to introduce improvements and updates based on their feedback," said Mark Lefebvre, director of Self-Publishing and Author Relations.

"Kobo is the only international eReading company to offer authors an open self-publishing service that is author-centric. We help them connect with a global community of Readers by making it as easy as possible to create, edit and publish their work."

You can see the five steps and try out the newly rejigged service for yourself at kobo.com/writinglife.

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