Queens of the Stone Age Re-Releasing ' . . . Like Clockwork' on USB Flash Drive
Fred Armisen helps shill 8-gig drive packed with extras in silly new promo
Is your CD copy of Queens of the Stone Age's . . . Like Clockwork so overplayed it's scratched up and skipping? Are you too suspicious of the cloud to download a digital copy? Are you trying to drown your sorrows in a bottle of beer, but you just can't open it? Well, you're in luck: QOTSA are re-releasing their latest LP on a special edition eight-gigabyte USB flash drive that also doubles as a bottle opener.
Best Albums of 2013 So Far: Queens of the Stone Age, ' . . . Like Clockwork'
But wait, there's more! In a silly new promo clip, Fred Armisen stars as a goofball infomercial salesman named Ricky Chism who bashes cloud storage ("But what if their cloud doesn't work? Or our stupid Internet goes down again? Who are we supposed to call, the freaking weatherman!?") and praises the extra features included on the drive: along with the record, you'll get high-resolution photos, original artwork, music videos and lyric sheets. The drive costs $39.99, and if you order now you'll get a second drive for free, plus extra shipping and handling.